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April 16, 2018

The bedroom is one of the most private and intimate places within your home. While other territories such as the living room or the bathroom can be communal, the bedroom is typically only shared between partners. Experts recommend redesigning your bedroom every five years to take advantage of new styles.

April 16, 2018

The average person spends more than a year and a half of their lives in the bathroom. A well designed, convenient bathroom can help set your mood for the rest of your day. Most experts recommend performing some sort of remodeling, including bathroom updates, every 5 years to optimize your living space.

April 16, 2018

Remodeling an office can optimize creativity, add visual appeal for potential clients and make work feel a little bit more comfortable. However, when it comes to upgrading your office interior, there are a few things that you should keep in mind:

April 16, 2018

Minimalist homes are in fashion these days.  Even if you don’t spend your time reading blogs about home remodeling, you have probably seen the effects of custom kitchen cabinets.  The trend these days is compact, open plan houses and apartments with zero clutter.

April 16, 2018

There is a recent trend in home architecture to make all homes look like loft apartments that belong to quirky but fastidious artists.  There seems to be an unspoken rule in interior design that all stuff is clutter, and clutter is tacky.

April 16, 2018

Magazine articles and TV shows about living room design ideas tend to focus on furniture and other décor items.  Those of us in the home design business know, though, that architecture is an important part of what makes a living room interior look great.

March 11, 2018

A small bathroom remodel is a good place to start when remodeling your home.  Small bathroom design ideas don’t get lots of press, because it’s an unassuming room. 

How To Choose A Deck Builder

March 11, 2018

Building a deck is part of many people’s home remodeling dream.  Only the most patient and skilled people can build their own deck, though.  For most of us, it makes much more sense to hire a deck builder. 

March 11, 2018

In the age of social media, you can brag with just a click.  In the old days, though, people had to show off by making their houses look impressive.  Even though it’s easier just to post pictures of your avocado toast brunch, house extensions have not gone out of style. 

March 11, 2018

Many people have the childhood memory of seeing a house on the back of a truck during a road trip.  Children are amazed by the sight, but parents dismiss the strange cargo as “prefab homes.” 

March 11, 2018

Daydreaming about remodeling and decorating your house is a time-honored pastime.  The rich characters in The Bonfire of the Vanities devote countless pages to admiring the interior design of each other’s houses. 

March 11, 2018

It is silly to go to restaurants and post pictures of your food on social media.  Your friends seeing the pictures cannot taste the food.  It makes more sense to post pictures of restaurant interior design. 

March 11, 2018

Where do you look for room design ideas?  Do you read interior design blogs or flip through magazines in the waiting room of the dentist’s office?  Do you visit model homes even though you don’t plan to move? 

March 11, 2018

In some parts of the world, a sunroom addition is a logical extension of your house.  In Florida, the sunroom addition is such an essential part of the architecture that people call it the Florida room.  Of course, you don’t have to live in Florida to have a sunroom.

February 18, 2018

In certain point of life we realize we want a newly built house. That is the right time to start to look for home builders.

It is important to choose a home contractor that offers full range of services. It is not enough only to

February 18, 2018

Modernity brings to life new shapes, colors, shades. Why is interior design so important?

  • it creates the necessary atmosphere at home. It tells much about the house owner;

  • it underlines positive architectural solutions of the area. Light and coloristics can make the house bigger. Each epoch proposed its own design solutions.

February 18, 2018

House renovation is a very complex matter. Very often in order to bring your house a new look, it is needed to: 

February 18, 2018

One of the most important advantages of newly built home is that you build the house of your dream. When you order new dwelling for construction you can:

February 15, 2018

Kitchen and bath are very important areas in every house.  We spend there quite a lot of time. That is why we want it to

February 15, 2018

House additions get more and more popular. They make it possible to build an additional living space. People usually go for such a solution, when there are new inhabitants in the house.

February 15, 2018

Contemporary bathroom design is impressive. It gets innovated each day. Why is it so?

February 15, 2018

California interior design is unique. The home interior design of the state is characterized by:

February 15, 2018

Los Angeles is a never sleeping city. It is the place where modern design trends develop and flourish. Find best interior designers in Los Angeles!

February 15, 2018

Design attractiveness depends on individual taste a lot. Each person perceives textures and colors differently.

We have different associations. We have distinct ideas and perceptions of the same objects. That is why it takes mastery from top interior designers to meet the taste of individual clients.

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